About Our Center

The Global Antisemitism Research Center (GARC) is an international academic organization that is dedicated to promoting research, education, and dialogue about antisemitism. The organization was founded in 2022, and its members include scholars, researchers, and experts in the field of antisemitism studies.

GARC's mission is to foster interdisciplinary research on antisemitism, to encourage the dissemination of accurate and reliable information about antisemitism, and to promote effective strategies for combating antisemitism. The organization aims to bring together scholars and researchers from different disciplines, including history, sociology, political science, psychology, and religious studies, to collaborate on research projects and to share their findings with the broader public.

GARC organizes conferences, workshops, and other events to facilitate dialogue and collaboration among scholars and researchers. The organization also publishes a peer-reviewed academic journal, Antisemitism Studies, which features original research and analysis on topics related to antisemitism.

Overall, GARC serves as a valuable resource for scholars, policymakers, and the general public who are interested in learning more about antisemitism and how to combat it. Through its research and outreach efforts, GARC contributes to a better understanding of the historical and contemporary causes and consequences of antisemitism and to the development of effective strategies for combating this form of prejudice and discrimination.

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